Thursday, March 5, 2015

Full Circle- the woven potential of life

Time is interesting. What I mean by that is that our state of being...our state of grounded connection in life can be fascinating in relation to our connections and the opportunities life gives us to share our connections. Sometimes it can seem like it is rambling and often missing the point, but in the very missing of the point is where the point is made. For example, the other night I was with a friend having lunch at a new Asian restaurant downtown, and she was sharing about her current art project which was in its own way a capture of the distinct moments of life, especially those aspects of life that can excite us to the possibilities of life, and experience. In a sense such things can nurture our inspiration which is, at the end of the day, what really should be nurtured... She asked me if I spoke at a local event called Mo Mondays, and I told her I did. She asked me what I spoke about, to which I replied something along the lines of "I can't remember, specifically, but if I keep talking the theme will come back to me." I talked about myself and how I sit at the intersection of troublemaker and peacemaker, and how it has felt that in my life I have often been in my space of being and by also being in that space of being I have felt interrupted and have somewhat frequently lashed out. I am me, I am (and have been) one of the quietest beings that you could know in life. In life I desire peace. I have often been a loner. When I was a child, it was often asked of me why I didn't engage with the other kids, why I was different. I remember an incident from when I was in grade six. It was recess (or lunch break) and I was sitting alone on the bench in front of the basketball court/tennis racket/general sports and active area. I was just sitting there, and the teacher came over to me and asked "Why don't you make an effort to join the other kids?" He had a genuine tone of confusion and also of blame. Anyhow, the place of this story in my narrative is not to rehash old stories, but to use the stories as a way to illustrate my journey. Which in a way is the general theme of this expression today. The theme is being, and life and the moments that stick out to us and how through my own sensitivity I am able to share meaningful moments in time. At first glance, momentary connections are nothing, but they can be part of the
woven potential of life
which is essentially what I enjoy sharing and discovering. I shared one story about an experience I had when I was about eleven years old or so one late summer or early fall morning and I was waiting at the bus stop to catch the bus for school. It was around the time that the school pictures were being taken. I remember being in a space of observer, and somehow at that misty moment, I felt (in some way) quite mystical. I enjoy expressing myself. I have always found it easy to express myself. I can reflect back on expression in my life. It is a great joy to express. But back to the moment. I remember that I looked and there was another child, about 4 or so years younger than me. She was in grade 1 or kindergarten, and she was also dressed for class pictures. She was dressed in a pretty red dress and matching ribbons in her hair. She was happy and smiling and cute. I was distant and not terribly popular. I stood back and watched it.

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